
An exhibition of paintings by Nicholas Borden

Partner Programme

14 — 22 Sept 2024

Art / Collectibles

Everyday Sunshine

49 Barbauld Rd


N16 0RT

Rude is a printmaking, illustration and animation studio based in Stoke Newington. For LDF, it hosts an exhibition called 'Stoke Newington Paintings' by Nicholas Borden – a series of vibrant local landscapes. Sunday Sessions is a live music event on the 22nd with limited ticket availability and truly incredible acts.

Through the spring of this year, painter Borden set up his easel on the streets of Stoke Newington to produce a series of vibrant urban landscapes, transforming familiar scenes with his bold palette and dynamic compositions. A graduate of the Royal College of Art, for the past decade Borden has been painting outdoors in the East End, manifesting the spontaneous life of the streets with consummate painterly ease, delighting in the quirky geometry and the curious divergent perspectives of the urban grain.The spontaneous quality of Nicholas’ elegant pictures belies their sophisticated technique yet - more significantly - they display a joy in the medium which grants them a visceral, irresistibly sensuous appeal as paintings.  Please note that this exhibition is free and not ticketed, you are welcome to browse and buy the art. Elsewhere, original artworks are hand crafted, screen printed and sold in Rude's art gallery and coffee shop, Everyday Sunshine. The space also hosts curated events for visual and performance artists and each month showcases stripped back, un-signed acts at the Sunday Sessions hosted by Mally Harpaz and Juju. This is event is ticketed and with limited space, this one is not to be missed.