
Designing London’s Future: A showcase of innovation in policy making

Exhibition / Installation

Partner Programme

22 Sept 2022

Architecture / Landscape, Craft, Digital, Industrial & Product Design, Multi-Disciplinary Design, Service Design, Fashion & Textiles, Urban Design, Materials, Education, Other

Sackler Centre for Arts & Education

V&A Museum

Cromwell Road



Designing London’s Recovery I In partnership with Design Council and UCL CUSSH

On a mission to realise a greener, fairer and prosperous city, the Mayor of London seeded 11 diverse innovators to pilot a post-pandemic future. Discover a portfolio of exemplar projects driving green growth, building stronger communities, helping Londoners into good work and activating our high streets. Designing London’s Future: A showcase of innovation in policy making will demonstrate the power of transformative, design-led thoughts and solutions making London the best place to live, work and visit. Be inspired to unleash creative talent, understand how to create systemic impact and what role you can play in delivering a better city for people. Projects on the programme include; repurposing existing commercial space to build a long-term public toilet solution (Royal College of Art); creating places to make, recycle, repair, grow, cultivate and play (University of Roehampton); developing the entrepreneurial potential of children through school eco-refill shops (Pupils Profit); supporting female-led ethnic food enterprises (Kingston University); animating the high street (The Community Brain); exploring a child-friendly neighbourhood (Sustrans); creating job tools to match individuals with industry needs (City & Guilds); breaking the taboo of well-paid prison leavers in good jobs (Breakthrough); encouraging land for food growing in London (Shared Assets); creating a network of micro-factories producing on-demand clothing (Pattern Project); and using oracy to bridge social, economic, cultural and generational divides (Kafei).