
Liquid Marble by Mathieu Lehanneur

V&A Project

17 — 25 Sept 2016

Victoria & Albert Museum

Cromwell Road



French multi-disciplinary designer Mathieu Lehanneur invited viewers to enter into a meditative state with his work Liquid Marble, a large piece of black marble sculpted into a realistic, yet static, representation of the ocean’s movement.

“I’m always trying to understand how the human brain works, and how to put people in a very specific state of mind,” said Lehanneur. “The piece doesn’t move, but the reflection of light on the polished marble makes it feel like a real sea. The idea is to bring a piece of the water to a place where there is none, to create a contemplative experience.” The complexities of the ocean’s movement were captured using sophisticated 3D software developed for the film industry. A single block of marble was then machined to replicate the files and hand polished to create a reflective surface. This is the third installation of Lehanneur’s Liquid Marble series, and the jet-black piece was designed specifically for the Norfolk House Music Room, which was displayed during the Festival in the V&A's British Galleries. “The space is very ornate and full of colour, so I wanted to contrast it with something absolutely minimalistic,” said Lehanneur. “The original musical function of the room was also a big inspiration to me. The idea of music in the room, and the musical references in its decoration, add a special dimension to this vibratory movement relief, fixed in marble. I also like the contrast between the deep silence of Liquid Marble and the history of the Norfolk House Music Room, which hosted the most beautiful symphonies.”