
Things: an exhibition by Richard Paul

Exhibition / Installation

Partner Programme

16, 18 — 23 Sept 2023

Art / Collectibles, Materials

Atom Gallery

127 Green Lanes


N16 9DA

3D lenticulars and paintings.

"I suppose distraction is the dominant mode of experience now, as I look out of the studio window at the new city being built noisily around me. Obviously, I’ve switched off notifications. Behind me on the wall my pictures - like those old religious postcards or winking eyes - are 3D, but much bigger and feature fragments of the early 21st C if I’m being grandiose. Certainly, the building work and its aftermath have come into play, concrete and fluorescent paint. "Some of the lenticulars change colour as you pass, others have a different dynamic. Kind of like magic really. I do large paintings including these lenticulars too where you’re not sure where the painting ends and the print begins, and things float and shift. The history of painting informs everything really. Did I mention the concrete masks? They have eyes like Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra: iridescent, not quite so beguiling. My studio neighbour tells me that I’m ploughing a lonely furrow, but I’ll let you be the judge of that." Richard Paul. London 2023.