
Together - The Power of Collaboration

Exhibition / Installation

Partner Programme

18, 20 — 25 Sept 2021

Craft, Interiors & Furniture

Gallery FUMI

2-3 Hay Hill





From 16th September, visitors to Gallery FUMI’s newly extended space will find an array of exceptional works. FUMI invited the gallery’s artists to form collaborative pairs. Out of these unique fusions of talent, incredible ideas have emerged.

In September 2020, we had presented a group show called 2020: It’s Good To Be Home to reflect the feeling that had sprung in so many of the importance of the hearth, a renewed respect for the home. But by early 2021, what we were missing most was human interaction. The shared, spirited walk-meets of summer and autumn were long gone. Our artists agreed, even those who generally delight in isolated working, and indeed make it part of their process, that a friendly face, not to mention a spirited and forensic dialogue, would not go amiss. So we put our artists, or studios, together in working pairs. Sometimes, this has meant a distance of thousands of miles, but no one has let a little geography get in the way. A group show would normally feature a maximum of 12 names, with all the complexity that entails. So we are proud to say that this show brings 25 madly creative and groundbreaking individuals together in our gallery, with results that are often beyond the sum of their already impressive parts. TOGETHER. It does make us stronger.