
Verdigris Landscapes for The Post Normal Domestic: A New Collection of ExCinere Furniture and Glazes by Formafantasma

Exhibition / Installation

Partner Programme

18 — 19, 21 — 26 Sept 2021

Industrial & Product Design, Interiors & Furniture

Cromwell Place

Gallery 7, Ground Floor

3 Cromwell Place



Verdigris Landscapes for the Post Normal Domestic is a new collection of ExCinere tiled furniture and glazes designed by Formafantasma.

Conceived as an interior alphabet, the pieces represent letters that can be combined to create a unique language — or even a landscape — with the potential to elevate and compliment each other’s function. The collection is composed of modules that reside on the border of object and architecture, and create versatile interactions that encourage sharing, working and resting, sitting or standing. These modules are not intended as direct solutions, rather they reflect a wider societal shift towards more flexible, multi-functional living environments spurred by our collective isolation and exponentially increasing technological dependence. Our new Verdigris series of volcanic ash glazes is central to the installation. Consisting of four earth green tones ranging from light pistacchio to evergreen, ExCinere Verdigris tiles are applied to each furnishing in 8-bit pixelated compositions reminiscent of Tetris blocks. These architectonic pixelations reveal the complex and subtle variations within each glazed surface and contain a poignant metaphor for the complex balance we all seek to maintain between the physical and digital realms.