
LDF24 Graphic Identity by Pentagram

‘I’ve always believed duality to be an interesting recurring theme within design. It can allow any design to have a tension within it, thus ensuring a level of surprise and engagement.’

Domenic Lippa, Partner at world-renowned creative agency Pentagram, has led the creative direction of the branding and visual design for the Festival since 2007.

Pentagram has produced an annual graphic identity for each iteration of LDF - responding to, and anticipating trends in design and typography.

Certain elements of the identity remain constant - the white on red colour palette has proved to be one of the Festival's most recognisable elements. This has allowed Pentagram to adapt the brief each year to produce distinctive visual identities ensuring that each year LDF remains dynamic and interesting.

This year’s identity explores the concept of ‘duality’.

’I’ve always believed duality to be an interesting recurring theme within design’, says Domenic Lippa, Partner at Pentagram. ‘It can allow any design to have a tension within it, thus ensuring a level of surprise and engagement. We started exploring this through contrasting elements - imagery, words and colours eventually settling on using 2 quite different typefaces to express the natural diversity that exists within design. This design process created a layering and interaction between the typefaces that created a visual solution we felt best reflected this theme.’

'The reason we've been able to create new directions for the Festival is that different designers have contributed to the process over the years' - Domenic Lippa, Pentagram
