
Come Together

Exhibition / Installation

Partner Programme

18 — 26 Sept 2021

Architecture / Landscape, Interiors & Furniture

Islington Square

116 Upper Street


N1 1AB

Come Together is an installation exploring the social politics of furniture. Made from chairs found on the streets of Islington which are then bound into new configurations like contemporary love seat. This is the latest in a series of Sam's projects that use design as a way of making social sculptures.

Come Together is a series of furniture pieces that act as social sculptures. Made from 2nd hand chairs, each with its own past life and character, they have been bound together using tape into new wholes. Their new arrangements - back to back, side to side, in groups of varying number - creates different social situations. The project recalls 17th century love seats whose shape allowed courting couples to talk intimately without touching. It also responds to the heightened sense of social space we’ve developed over the last 18 months. These pieces are junk shop love seats exploring how more ambiguous and experimental relationships and community might be formed by furniture. The pieces seek to expose the social programming invisibly embedded within seating, and in doing so help us recognise the chair as a political idea as much as a design object.