
Partner Programme

14 — 22 Sept 2024

Graphic Design & Visual Communications, Art / Collectibles, Materials

14 Sept10:00—17:00

15 Sept10:00—17:00

16 Sept10:00—17:00

17 Sept10:00—17:00

18 Sept10:00—17:00

19 Sept10:00—17:00

20 Sept10:00—17:00

21 Sept10:00—17:00

22 Sept10:00—17:00

In Person

Free, ticket required

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Free, no ticket required

Perfetti gallery

52 caledonian road


N1 9DP

Elysium Echoes is a series that attempts to explore the future of humanity through immersive installations that envision the evolution of human existence. This exhibition delves into the merging of biology and technology, presenting a speculative look at our post-human future.

Welcome to Elysium Echoes, an innovative exhibition curated by Yiru that delves into the intricate relationship between environmental change and human survival in a post-humanist era. This exhibition seeks to explore how humanity's evolving relationship with the environment shapes and is shaped by the dynamic balance between technological advancement and ecological sustainability. This collection of installation art invites visitors to step into a world where the boundaries between human, machine, and environment blur, presenting a thought-provoking journey through the landscapes of post-humanism. Yiru's expertise in utilizing 3D printing and other emerging technologies is showcased throughout the exhibition, pushing the frontiers of visual art and offering a glimpse into the future of artistic innovation. The standout piece in the exhibition is the "Scheduled for Abolition" series. This series explores the concept of planned obsolescence in biology, viewing life as the deliberate, phased expiration of genes. Traditionally associated with industry, the notion of planned obsolescence can be intriguingly extended to biology. In this context, life itself can be seen as the planned obsolescence of genes, with biological processes designed to phase out certain genetic materials over time. In this framework, the pursuit of immortality becomes a complex interplay, akin to a tug-of-war, with perpetually evolving genes striving for longevity. This raises a profound question: does immortality pertain to the extended lifespan of individual organisms, or is it fundamentally about the perpetuation and continuous evolution of genetic information across generations? The answer to this question could redefine our understanding of life, longevity, and the ultimate goals of biological existence. This design emphasizes the dynamic balance between gene longevity and biological processes, posing deep questions about the essence of life and the true nature of immortality. This redefinition challenges traditional perceptions, suggesting that the ultimate goal of biological existence may lie in the relentless adaptation and enduring presence of genetic information. Elysium Echoes aims to inspire dialogue and reflection on the future of humanity and the transformative power of technology. As you navigate through the exhibition, you are encouraged to engage with the art on a personal level, considering your own place within these imagined futures and the potential pathways our species might take. Yiru's installations serve as a catalyst for exploring the unknown, prompting viewers to rethink what it means to be human in an era of rapid technological advancement. Join us in this exploration of the unknown, and let the Echoes of Elysium expand your understanding of the intricate interplay between technology, the environment, and human existence. Elysium Echoes is not just an exhibition but a visionary journey curated by Yiru, inviting you to reflect on the dynamic balance between technological progress and ecological sustainability and to envision the future of humanity through the lens of post-humanist thought.

Elysium Echoes: 14 — 22 Sept 2024