
Off the Grid: Powering the Home

Talk / Panel

Global Design Forum

22 Sept 2021

Multi-Disciplinary Design, Other

Lydia and Manfred Gorvy Lecture Theatre, Victoria and Albert Museum

Cromwell Road



Supported by

Exploring the ideas and innovations for how our homes will be powered in the future.

From sustainable energy sources and smart systems, to fuel cells, a panel of experts within the field will discuss new possibilities and present how we will generate energy for our domestic environments and how this will impact our lives and day-to-day interactions within the home. Speakers: - Michelle Little - Head of Propositions and Partnerships for OVO Smart Home, OVO Energy - Jack Mama - Co-Founder, vHM Design Futures - Clive van Heerden - Co-Founder, vHM Design Futures - Becci Taylor - Associate Director, Arup - Yosuke Ushigome - Director, Creative Technologist, Takram