
Breaking Down the Barriers

Talk / Panel

Partner Programme

22 Sept 2021

Architecture / Landscape, Multi-Disciplinary Design

London School of Architecture

6 Orsman Road


N1 5RA

How can we give talented, underrepresented individuals the keys to unlock doors into the industry that have always been closed to them?

This event will bring together architectural practices, developers, engineers, and other professionals, challenging them on the skills and framework required to widen access into the industry. Breaking Down the Barriers seeks to mobilise pathways into the built environment and discuss how organisations can facilitate a career without the need for a university, debt-ridden education. By sharing our ideas and insights, we can create a network focused on changing the perception of architecture, creating a more diverse and inclusive industry. This is an invite only event in partnership between GPAD and the London School of Architecture as part of the London Design Festival 2021.