
Partner Programme

16 — 22 Sept 2024

Multi-Disciplinary Design, Other

16 Sept12:00—16:30

17 Sept12:00—21:00

18 Sept12:00—16:30

19 Sept12:00—16:30

20 Sept12:00—16:30

21 Sept12:00—16:30

22 Sept12:00—16:30

In Person

Free, no ticket required

Check our Instagram @mitreandmondays to find our daily location.




Mitre & Mondays demonstrate what tolerance means to them, both socially and materially. From the back of a Bedford Rascal van, the design studio invites you to grab a coffee at their street-side elbow bar, built to highlight the 'Tolerance' in our objects, and in ourselves.

In design, we always must remember to allow for tolerance. Tolerance is how we describe the difference between a desired value and an actual value. It’s the wiggle room in which variation can exist, without impacting the intended function of a product or system. The space in-between, which allows for different materials and processing techniques, in varying environmental conditions. Socially, tolerance is the thing that helps us all see eye to eye. As individuals, the things that we can tolerate, and that which we find intolerable becomes the compass with which we navigate the world. The elbow bar is a place for meeting and discussion. Fast paced exchange. Mitre & Mondays have designed their portable elbow bar to reflect this and centred the idea of tolerance in the process. The bar itself is held in tension, like the best conversations always are, spilling out of the van and onto the street. It hangs at elbow height, encouraging you to lean in and take notice. They’ll be serving coffee while you enjoy the curated selection of tolerable new design offerings from the studio. Finn Thomson comments “It feels like the perfect time to be taking our work onto the streets. We noted that a lot of LDF activity happens indoors and can feel like a closed shop. Where better to test out our designs than the streets themselves, we are excited to share conversations with people throughout the week and offer a place to meet and share ideas.” The bar will be serving coffees by day alongside a new collection of tolerable objects. You can find them across a number of locations throughout the festival - check online and on their Instagram @mitreandmondays for the week’s schedule.