
Partner Programme

14 — 22 Sept 2024

Craft, Art / Collectibles, Materials

14 SeptOpen 24h

15 SeptOpen 24h

16 SeptOpen 24h

17 SeptOpen 24h

18 SeptOpen 24h

19 SeptOpen 24h

20 SeptOpen 24h

21 SeptOpen 24h

22 SeptOpen 24h


Free, no ticket required

Whole opposing things in this world are actually one. When we feel this, we experience healing and freedom. I expressed this unity of opposites through the combination of contrasting materials and their process.

Most things in the world comes in pairs: pain and blessing, joy and sadness, beginning and end, heaviness and lightness. Our lives consist of polarities that connect and harmonize to become one. When we recognize the oneness of these polarities, we experience healing and ultimately freedom. By juxtaposing the fluidity of liquid and the solidity of matter within a single object, I sought to express this theme using contrasting properties of materials and sensations. The work goes through phases of processes where fabric is sewn, dipped in resin, fished out, manually shaped, and naturally hardened. Resin, which represents healing, becomes the core ingredient in which the object changes from a soft fabric to a hard object. Although sewing creates a basic frame for the work, organic shapes are also created while applying resin and shaping. In this process, artificial and natural are harmonized, and an object is finally created. It illustrates not merely a simple fusion, but the concept of oneness. The amalgamation of fabric and pine resin, appearing as though fabric is within resin and vice versa, transcends mere combination, but encompassing the nature of life. Through this artistic endeavour, I aimed to encapsulate the profound interconnectedness and unity inherent in life itself.