
Mandala Lab: Breathe-In

Talk / Panel

Partner Programme

16 Sept 2023

Education, Other

Union Square

Canary Wharf


E14 9QH

Join us at the Mandala Lab, one of this year's London Design Festival Special Projects at Canary Wharf, for a free evening program celebrating the launch.

The Mandala Lab will be open noon–18:45. For this event, arrive no later than 18:00 to walk through the Mandala Lab before the program begins. The program will begin at 19:00 with an outdoor sound experience of a live gong-and-water performance by Dame Evelyn Glennie, followed at sundown by London’s first-ever Breathe-In guided by Tibetan Buddhist teacher Khen Rinpoche Hungtrampa, a synchronized participatory breathing meditation to help invoke a baseline for well-being. Neuroscientist Dr. Tara Swart will outline the health and social benefits of the breathing pace generated by the Lab. RSVP with a free ticket to let us know you are coming.